As I grew older and enrolled in college, I continued pursuing art through school. The experience led me to turn inward and explore the avenues and opportunities awaiting my every move. Eventually, I learned more about myself and what satisfied my internal need to communicate visually. The knowledge and skill I acquired throughout the years eventually led me down a path that strengthened my art foundations. With computers on the rise and an age of media on the verge of expanding, combining art and technology was the wave of the future, in my opinion. The idea of creating visual messages that impacted an audience and the challenges associated with this field really enticed me. I knew from a young age around my family of creative thinkers that I would one day seek a path into an artistic field for my career. It was only a matter of searching and finding exactly what path I should take. I wanted to make a difference in the future and use my unique skills to help others. As I grew into this idea, I slowly began to find various resources within me that were more business related. The enjoyment of taking an idea for a business and packaging it into a unique concept began to seduce me.
This was a crucial moment in development where I began to envision myself creating a studio / business that would center around my unique style of work. The challenge of running a successful studio for clients appealed to both sides of me; the artist and business minded individual. The rewards of having a company based around my passion was a thrilling proposition, and one that was too strong to ignore. Being able to help others realize their own visions for their concepts was a path that would have many obstacles, but the rewards would be great. Envisioning a smile on a client’s face after completing a commissioned project from its inception to the end, while supporting myself, always gave me the inner inspiration to stay on my path in moments of doubt. We all encounter road blocks and moments where our talents become lost in the grand scheme of life, and these moments are what define us. They test our passion and commitment to our chosen path. Fortunately for me, my passion for creating runs deep so these brief moments of insecurity only reinforce my belief in my visions and give me more hope for a brighter future.
The one thing that stands out to me about a career in art is that no matter how hard it gets, the feeling of being able to create something so beautiful that inspires someone or makes them laugh or cry is immeasurable. The lift your spirit gets from helping another person gain insight into themselves or enlighten them to change something in their immediate world only reinforces my confidence in this career choice. It makes all the hard work and sacrifice look easy in the end. The process, from start to finish, challenges my mind, heart, and soul on the deepest levels and satisfies all my requirements for a rewarding and limitless career. My mind is always stimulated, my heart is fulfilled, and my soul and spirit are nourished by the ability to communicate freely. In my opinion, that is the path to finding myself and completing my existence on earth.
Without the ability to create, I believe I would feel lost and a void would occupy my heart and soul. Choosing a career that essentially fulfills my every need is like living each day as if I was a child swinging and playing in a colorful playground. There are the usual pressures we all encounter in our chosen career path. We all experience these fundamental deadlines and goals. The freedoms to create what a client wants and bring an imaginative thought into fruition only plants more seeds that will eventually blossom. These beautiful creations will create a field of colorful opportunities that I can only imagine around the corner. It is a career path that I was fortunate enough to realize at a young age thanks to my nurturing family. I still think about the next creation and what inspiring moment I will share with a client or the canvas I am painting on. This keeps me at peace and waking up each day ready for the next challenge. It is the spark that ignites the inner flame within me and keeps me feeling young every day.