Monday, November 14, 2016

Planting the Seeds of Creativity in Fertile Soil

     As we stare into the future, we can't underestimate the importance of creative thinking as a catalyst for change. Using our mind as a source of deep excavation into creative solutions becomes a more critical component in this process, especially as we mature. Harnessing the inspirational visions of a more synchronized world where everything flows with a sense of purpose and contributes to the whole starts with grabbing onto the power of our imagination and bridging the gap between what envision and what is possible. Creative thinking is our garden of thoughts, where the seeds of imagination are planted deep in the soil of possibilities. These seeds slowly begin to sprout when sprinkled with inspiration and ingenuity, eventually blossoming into various ideas that lead to a culmination of colorful petals of solutions that attract various insects of change that infiltrate society in a positive way. In order to make sure the seeds blossom we need fertile soil from which they can grow. This fertility starts in a pivotal stage of culmination where young minds can begin the manifestation of growth in order to ensure mature gestation of their ideas later on when reality calls. Early education is the foundation from where all this can be possible.

     It is no secret that we are most susceptible to outside influence at a very young age. The educational gap between what is learned and gained from structured environments is the fertile soil from which children can absorb the possibilities with an insatiable curiosity towards the world around them. The more a child learns and extracts their capabilities, the more fertile the soil becomes. This enables the seed of their growing imagination to plant firmly in this foundational soil where it can slowly blossom over time. Exposing young minds to a free landscape of thought where they can explore their potentials gives them the necessary tools to excavate deeper into this soil where more seeds can be planted for the future. Just like a colorful garden of flowing petals gently swaying in the winds of change, the rich thoughts that flow within a child's mind become a collective landscape of interlocking parts. When we nurture the fragile fertility of this soil where all future possibilities can blossom from the collective seeds we help the child plant, we are guiding these young minds into an unknown future where their reality can manifest from creative solutions. Showing an innocent and curious mind a colorful picture of a garden is not as important as teaching them how to create their own unique garden from the very germination of their own seed. This process mirrors creation and shapes the outcome of the picture they paint in their minds by implementing creative problem solving through analytical and intuitive solutions. This is why exposing children through education to such creative problem solving disciplines such as art can become a worthwhile initiative in our attempts to give them more freedom to play in the fertile soil from which their world can blossom around them.

     Somewhere between the seed of imagination and the petals of colorful reality, there is  important lessons to be gained from this experience for all children. Besides showing them the value of believing in their unique visions and having the confidence to grow their own garden the way they perceive it, many other instrumental developments occur from this process that carry over later in life:

I. Leaving a young mind the freedom to correlate colors on a canvas and find creative solutions to a visual exercise gives them courage to explore, examine, and draw conclusions without outside influence, which leads to self confidence and validation in their worth as a unique individual.

II. Giving them the freedom to plant their own seeds in the vast landscape of soil, they learn to embrace and trust their imagination as a powerful beginning component to growing their influential garden of thoughts and having it become a reality that influences life.

III. Exploring creativity also allows children to inherit solid traits of disciplinary motivation that will inspire them as they grow older to learn the values of culminating a start to finish mentality through hard work and creative problem solving.

IV. Teaching children that the infinite possibilities of their minds can go as far as their ingenuity will allow them and that society and the world turns a page with the help of outside the box thinkers that take risks and place a critical importance on uniqueness.

     Every child's garden of possibility begins by exploring and playing in the fertile soil of innocence. We educate them with the tools they need to gather knowledge and shape their own unique foundations. When they begin to plant their seeds through visionary worlds they create within their own minds, they begin the process of using what guidance is given to them to grow a garden that will eventually grow to reflect their own distinct beauty and intelligence through creativity and solutions throughout life.  This starts with a firm educational foundation where the seeds can sprout from the earth of their souls and minds. With the future uncertain and the garden beginning to grow, every child has a hope that someday theirs will shine brightly in glorious color where the world can come visit and absorb their natural splendor, even grab a petal of color from the air and plant it in their own life with inspiration.

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